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What is the full form of USB:USB represents Universal Serial Bus.USB is an exterior bus pattern that ropes data transmit & provide electric power connecting secondary strategy such as keyboards, mouse, printers, transportable medium company and disk drives. Initial Development - In 1994, Microsoft, Compaq, Intel, DEC, IBM, NEC and Nortel, formed a group and happening expansion of Universal Serial Bus. OverviewIn universal, there are three essential kinds or size connected to the USB connectors and type of recognized association: the older "standard" size, in its USB 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0 variants (for example, on USB flash drives), the "mini" size (chiefly for the B connector end, such as on a lot of cameras), and the "micro" size, in its USB 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0 variant (for example, on most modern mobile phones).
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